Live Chat

Odoo Live Chat allows users to communicate with website visitors in real-time. With Live Chat, leads can be qualified for their sales potential, support questions can be answered quickly, and issues can be directed to the appropriate team for further investigation or follow up. Live Chat also provides the opportunity for instant feedback from customers.

Enable Live Chat

The Live Chat application can be installed multiple ways:

  • Go to Apps application ‣ Live Chat and click Install.

  • Go to the Helpdesk app ‣ Configuration ‣ Helpdesk Teams list view, select a team, and on the team’s settings page, click the checkbox next to Live Chat, under the Channels section.

  • In the Website app, go to Configuration ‣ Settings, scroll to the Email & Marketing section, check the box next to Livechat, and click Save.

    View of the settings page and the live chat feature for Odoo Live Chat.


After the Live Chat application is installed, a live chat Channel is created by default.

Create live chat channels

To create a new live chat Channel, go to Main Odoo Dashboard ‣ Live Chat app ‣ New. This opens a blank channel detail form. Enter the name of the new channel in the Channel Name field.

View of a live chat channel form for Odoo Live Chat.

To configure the remaining tabs on the channel detail form (Operators, Options, Channel Rules, and Widget), follow the steps below.


The channel detail form for any channel can be accessed by navigating back to the Website Live Chat Channels dashboard, via the breadcrumbs. Find the Kanban card for the appropriate live chat channel, hover over it, and then click on the (vertical ellipsis) icon to open the drop-down menu. Click Configure Channel to open the channel detail form.

Operators tab

Operators are the users who act as agents and respond to live chat requests from customers. When a user is added as an operator in a live chat channel, they can receive chats from website visitors wherever they are in the database. Chat windows open in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

View of a live chat pop up window in an Odoo database.

On the channel detail form, click the Operators tab. The user who originally created the live chat channel has been added as an operator by default.


Current operators can be edited, or removed, by clicking on their respective boxes in the Operators tab, which reveals a separate Open: Operators modal. In that modal, adjust any information, as needed. Then, click Save, or click Remove to remove that operator from the channel.

Click Add to reveal an Add: Operators modal.

In the modal, scroll to find the desired users, or enter their name in the Search… bar. Then, click the checkbox next to the users to be added, and click Select.

New operators can be created and added to the list directly from this modal, as well, by clicking New, and filling out the Create Operators form. When the form is complete, click Save & Close, or Save & New for multiple record creations.


Creating a new user can impact the status of an Odoo subscription, as the total number of users in a database counts towards the billing rate. Proceed with caution before creating a new user. If a user already exists, adding them as an operator will not alter the subscription or billing rate for a database.

Options tab

The Options tab on the live chat channel detail form contains the visual and text settings for the live chat window.

Livechat button

The Livechat Button is the icon that appears in the bottom corner of the website.

View of an Odoo website emphasizing the livechat button.

Change the text in the Notification text field to update the greeting displayed in the text bubble when the live chat button appears on the website.

The Livechat Button Color alters the color of the live chat button as it appears on the website. To change the color, click on a color bubble to open the color selection window, then click and drag the circle along the color gradient. Click out of the selection window once complete. Click the (refresh) icon to the right of the color bubbles to reset the colors to the default selection.


Color selection, for the button or header, can be made manually using a slider or through RGB, HSL, or HEX color code entries from the pop-up color selection window that appears when either of the color bubbles are clicked. Different options are available, depending on the operating system.

Livechat window

The Livechat Window is the space where the live chat conversation with website visitors takes place.

Edit the Welcome Message to change the message a visitor sees when they open a new chat session. This message appears as though it is sent by a live chat operator, and acts as both a greeting and an invitation to continue the conversation.

Edit the Chat Input Placeholder to alter the text that appears in the box where visitors type their replies. This message prompts the visitor to initiate the chat.

The Channel Header is the colored bar at the top of the chat window. The Channel Header Color can be changed following the same steps as the Livechat button.


The live chat window with a purple channel header and placeholder text that reads, “Say Something…”

Channel Rules tab

The Channel Rules tab on the live chat channel detail form determines when the live chat window opens on the website, by configuring when a URL Regex action is triggered, such as a page visit.

To create a new channel rule, click Add a line. This opens the Create Rules modal.

View of a channel's rules form for Odoo Live Chat.

Create new rules

Fill out the fields on the Create Rules modal, as instructed below. Then, click Save & Close.

The Live Chat Button is the icon that appears in the bottom corner of the website. Select from one of the following display options:

  • Show: displays the chat button on the page.

  • Show with notification: displays the chat button, as well as a floating text bubble next to the button.

  • Open automatically: displays the button and automatically opens the chat window after a specified amount of time (designated in the Open automatically timer field, which is revealed when selecting this option).

  • Hide: hides the chat button on the page.


In order to track the geographical location of visitors, GeoIP must be installed on the database. While this feature is installed by default on Odoo Online databases, On-Premise databases require additional setup steps.

Widget tab

The Widget tab on the live chat channel detail form provides the code for a website widget. This code can be added to a website to provide access to a live chat window.


The live chat widget can be added to websites created through Odoo by navigating to Website app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Then, scroll to the Email & Marketing section. In the Channel field, select the channel to add to the site. Click Save to apply.

To add the widget to a website created on a third-party platform, click the first COPY button on the Widget tab, and paste the code into the <head> tag on the site.

Likewise, to send a live chat session to a customer, click the second COPY button on the Widget tab. This link can be sent directly to a customer. When they click the link, they are redirected to a new chat window.

View of the widget tab for Odoo Live Chat.