
Odoo Spain and Alianza for FP

What is Alianza for FP?

The “Alliance for Vocational Training: a country strategy” is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports to assist in upgrading vocational training. The initiative aims to promote the best education and preparation of young people and adults, as well as to foster collaboration and synergies between administration and companies, as well as third parties and social agents.

A great number of large and medium-sized companies have joined this campaign and, recently, Odoo has signed a collaboration agreement to be part of this great project to promote training and education.

This Alliance program is framed within the Modernization Plan presented by the Ministry of Education. Having analyzed the fact that unemployment rates are decreasing among people with vocational training, whether they are middle or high school graduates, it is logical to emphasize these programs.

Digitalization in businesses​

Taking into account the recent initiatives on digitalization driven by the Crea y Crece law, updating professional trainings to have a greater presence of management systems has become a necessity.

Odoo has made numerous developments to keep up with all aspects of digitalization in the Spanish market, such as electronic invoicing or TicketBAI. We are at the forefront of the changes introduced by new policies and have always demonstrated a commitment to education.

Odoo’s compromise with education

Odoo has an educational program that originated at the headquarters in Belgium, with a team dedicated solely and exclusively to training in the tool. This team arrived in Spain in April 2024 and is focused on training all educational centers in the country, both in universities and in institutes and vocational training centers.

Among the aspects covered by this department are the training of teachers in the tool, the support with the software, the provision of didactic materials, visits to centers, assistance to teachers in classes with students, among many other functions.

The objective of the department is to prepare students in the knowledge of an ERP tool, accompanied by a team of teachers specialized in Odoo. It is oriented towards the future and the job opportunities they may have at the end of their studies.

This is why the collaboration with Alianza for FP is a major milestone, as Odoo has long shared the same objective. The high youth unemployment rate and the lack of training in jobs that include high digitalization make this initiative essential at this moment in time.

Odoo’s compromise with Alianza for FP

Within the field of professional training, the aim is to complete the training in business areas, covering sectors such as finance, logistics, human resources, marketing or administration in general. The tool is prepared to be put into practice and to have a real case of what the professional world is like.

Moving towards a digitalization of companies, an ever increasing number of them have a process management system, so learning to use a tool like Odoo not only opens job doors in companies already using it, but also gives a global knowledge about how any management system and any company works. In the end, the advantage of Odoo is its adaptability to any type of company, no matter the activity or sector.

Isabel Celaá, Minister of Education and Vocational Training, the driving force behind this initiative, emphasizes that a country without quality vocational training is a country without a future. Just as there can be no quality training without companies, there can be no quality companies without well-trained workers. Odoo joins this Alliance with the same objective that was created years ago, to offer quality training and support and tools completely free of charge in order to grow together.

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