Áno nesnívate!


Jedna aplikácia zadarmo

$ 0
  • Len pre jednu aplikáciu, neobmedzený počet užívateľov
  • Odoo Online


$ 13 16
,50 ,90
US$ 16,90 US$ 21,10 *
/ užívateľ / mesiac
  • Všetky aplikácie
  • Odoo Online


$ 20 25
,40 ,50
US$ 25,50 US$ 31,90 *
/ užívateľ / mesiac
  • Všetky aplikácie
  • Odoo Online / Odoo.sh** / On-premise
  • Odoo Studio
  • Multi-firemné
  • External API

Štandard aPokročilý plán zahŕňajú všetky aplikácie za jeden poplatok:

Projektové riadenie
Miesto predaja
A mnoho ďalších

Všetky cenníky zahŕňajú neobmedzenú podporu, hosting a údržbu.
Bez skrytých nákladov, bez obmedzenia funkcií alebo dát: vychutnajte si skutočnú transparentnosť!

(*) Zľava platí pre prvých objednaných užívateľov na obdobie 12 mesiacov.
(**) Náklady na hosting Odoo.sh nie sú zahrnuté.

Any Questions?

Ak ste na tejto stránke nenašli odpoveď na vašu otázku, neváhajte nás kontaktovať Account Managers

All our plans include access to hundreds of Odoo apps on scalable cloud infrastructure, including hosting, incremental daily backups on two continents, email integration, top-notch security, 24/7 monitoring, and a control center to manage your Odoo environment.

Our service includes unlimited access to our support by email, from Monday to Friday, 24/5, in English, French, Spanish or Dutch. Access to our eLearning platform is free too. Upgrades are also included in all our plans at no extra fee.

See detailed Terms & Conditions

What's not included in these plans:

  • Hosting na Odoo.sh pre vlastný vývoj (hosting na Odoo Online je zadarmo)
  • Implementácia a lokalizácia pre SR a ČR. V prípade potreby českej alebo slovenskej lokalizácie faktúry, DPH, majetok, sklady, banky, pokladňa, Intrastat alebo výkazníctvo kontaktujte 26house.com.
  • In-App-Purchase credits: SMS, contacts auto-complete, lead generation, IA to scan vendor bills & expenses.

The standard plan is hosted on Odoo Online, our cloud infrastructure to host databases without custom modules. With the custom plan, you can host on Odoo Online at no extra cost, or one of these two options:

  1. Download Odoo Enterprise and host it yourself
  2. Host on Odoo.sh, the continuous integration platform to host your development, staging and production branches, allowing you to develop or use custom modules.

Viac informácií o https://odoo.sh

If you need implementation service: project management, business needs analysis, data import, customizations, developments, training, etc., we have two options:

  1. Small companies (<50 employees) usually work directly with Odoo, using Success packs. Check out our project estimator to know the cost of a project, based on your needs.
  2. Mid-size and large companies (>50 employees) usually work with a partner who offers local project management services: https://odoo.com/partners
  3. Large-size companies (+250 employees), contact Odoo directly: https://odoo.com/contactus

Yes, the free plan allows multiple companies.
You can also choose Odoo Studio as the app for a free plan.

If you choose an app that depends on other apps (e.g., eCommerce depends on Website and Invoicing), you get these required apps for free too. So, you can start with any app, and we guarantee that its usage is free for unlimited users, forever, whatever the dependencies of the app.

To upgrade from the One App Free plan to the Standard plan, just install the additional applications you need. If you install Studio or add companies to your database, you will automatically switch to the Custom plan.

The custom plan is for companies that want to manage multiple companies on a single database and that need to customize Odoo through Odoo Studio, custom developments or through the API.

A paying user is usually an employee who has access to the Odoo backend to create, view, or edit documents. External users (such as clients or suppliers) using Odoo through the portal are not paying users.

Príklady platených užívateľov:

  • Zamestnanec, ktorý vykazuje svoje výdavky alebo pracovný výkaz
  • Účtovník tretej strany, ktorý používa Odoo na prácu s vašimi financiami

Príklady bezplatných užívateľov:

  • Zákazníci a dodávatelia, ktorí majú na portáli prístup k svojim faktúram
  • Návštevníci vášho webu, ktorí zadávajú objednávky cez eShop a sledujú svoje zásielky

When using Odoo Online, you can download a backup of your database at any time through the control center. You own your data!

Odoo Online or Odoo Enterprise (On-premise or Odoo.sh) is the same software. Only the hosting and infrastructure are different: emails, backups, database redundancies, etc.

Our cloud infrastructure runs on the latest version of Odoo with regular upgrades. On-premise users must use the latest stable version of Odoo. If you would like to switch from Odoo Online to Odoo On-premise, the best time to make this change is immediately following the release of the newest stable version.

Externé API znamená, že nastavíte externý softvér (ako sú staršie systémy, nástroje na vytváranie reportov, atď.), ktorý iniciuje volania rozhrania Odoo API (JSON-RPC alebo XML-RPC) s cieľom získať, odoslať alebo aktualizovať údaje uložené v Odoo.

When the call is initiated from Odoo, this is NOT considered an "External API." For example, when an Odoo app uses an external service such as payment providers (Stripe, PayPal, Adyen, etc.), delivery carriers (UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.), VoIP providers, or bank synchronization, it is part of the standard plan