Commands and canned responses

In the Odoo Live Chat application, commands allow the user to perform specific actions both inside the chat window, and through other Odoo applications. The Live Chat app also includes canned responses. These are customized, preconfigured substitutions that allow users to replace shortcut entries in place of longer, well-thought out responses to some of the most common questions and comments.

Both commands and canned responses save time, and allow users to maintain a level of consistency throughout their conversations.

Execute a command

Live chat commands are keywords that trigger preconfigured actions. When a live chat operator is participating in a conversation with a customer or website visitor, they can execute a command by typing /, followed by the command.

Commands, and the resulting actions, are only visible in the conversation window for the live chat operator. A customer does not see any commands that an operator uses in a conversation from their view of the chat.


During a conversation with a customer, a live chat operator executes the command to create a ticket. After entering the command, /ticket, the system automatically creates a ticket with the information from the conversation. It also includes a link to the new ticket, so the operator can go there directly to add any additional information, if necessary.

View of the chat window with a helpdesk ticket created in Odoo Live Chat.

More information about each available command can be found below.


If an operator types /help in the chat window, an informative message that includes the potential entry types an operator can make is displayed.

  • Type @username to mention a user in the conversation. A notification will be sent to that user’s inbox or email, depending on their notification settings.

  • Type #channel to mention a Discuss channel.

  • Type /command to execute a command.

  • Type :shortcut to insert a canned response.

View of the message generated from using the /help command in Odoo Live Chat.

Ticket & search tickets

The /ticket and /search_tickets commands allow operators to create helpdesk tickets directly from a conversation, and search through existing tickets by keyword or ticket number.


The /ticket and /search_tickets commands can only be used if the Helpdesk app has been installed, and Live Chat has been activated on a Helpdesk team. To activate Live Chat, go to Helpdesk app ‣ Configuration ‣ Helpdesk Teams, and select a team. Scroll to the Channels section, and check the box labeled, Live Chat.

Create a ticket from a live chat

If an operator types /ticket in the chat window, the conversation is used to create a Helpdesk ticket.

After entering the /ticket command, type a title for the ticket into the chat window, then press Enter.

View of the results from a helpdesk search in a Live Chat conversation.

The newly created ticket will be added to the Helpdesk team that has live chat enabled. If more than one team has live chat enabled, the ticket will automatically be assigned based on the team’s priority.

The transcript from the conversation will be added to the new ticket, under the Description tab.

To access the new ticket, click on the link in the chat window, or go to the Helpdesk app, and click the Tickets button on the Kanban card for the appropriate team.

Search for a ticket from a live chat

If an operator types /search_tickets in the chat window, they can search through Helpdesk tickets, either by ticket number or keyword.

After entering the /search_tickets command, type a keyword or ticket number, then press Enter. If one or more related tickets are found, a list of links is generated in the conversation window.

View of the results from a helpdesk search in a Live Chat conversation.


Results from the search command will only be seen by the operator, not the customer.


Typing /history in the chat window generates a list of the most recent pages the visitor has viewed on the website (up to fifteen pages).

View of the results from a /history command in a Live Chat conversation.


By typing /lead in the chat window, an operator can create a lead in the CRM application.

View of the results from a /lead command in a Live Chat conversation.


The /lead command can only be used if the CRM app has been installed.

After typing /lead, create a title for this new lead, then press Enter. A link with the lead title appears. Click the link, or navigate to the CRM app to view the Pipeline.


The link to the new lead can only be seen and accessed by the operator, not the customer.

The transcript of that specific live chat conversation (where the lead was created) is added to the Internal Notes tab of the lead form.

On the Extra Information tab of the lead form, the Source will be listed as Livechat.


If an operator types /leave in the chat window, they can automatically exit the conversation. This command does not cause the customer to be removed from the conversation, nor does it automatically end the conversation.

Canned responses

Canned responses are customizable inputs, where a typed shortcut populates a longer response. A user enters a keyword shortcut, which is then automatically replaced by the expanded substitution response. The shortcut is the keyword or key phrase that is to be replaced. The substitution is the longer message that replaces the shortcut.

Create canned responses

To create a new canned response, go to Live Chat app ‣ Configuration ‣ Canned Responses ‣ New.

Type a shortcut command in the Shortcut field. Next, click the Substitution field, and type the message that should replace the shortcut.


Try to connect the shortcut to the topic of the substitution. Not only does this make it easier to use the responses, it prevents the list of responses from becoming disorganized and overwhelming.

In the Description field, add any information that provides context for this response, such as guidelines for when it should or should not be used.

The Last Used field keeps track of the date and time each response was most recently used. This field cannot be edited.

Use canned responses in a live chat conversation

To use a canned response during a live chat conversation, type a colon (:) into the chat window, followed by the shortcut.


An operator is chatting with a visitor. As soon as they type : they would see a list of available responses. They can manually select one from the list, or continue to type. If they want to use the canned response 'I am sorry to hear that.', they would type :sorry.

View of a chat window and the use of a canned response in Odoo Live Chat.


Typing : into a chat window on its own will generate a list of available canned responses. Responses can be manually selected from the list, in addition to the use of shortcuts.

View of a chat window and the list of available canned responses.