
Rielec by Clustag and Odoo: the synergy of a technological journey

Company Name: Rielec Automatización Industrial, SL

Location: Ontinyent, Valencia (Spain)

Industry:  Logistics, Clustag Smart RFID intralogistics

Company Size: 100+

Odoo Users: 30+

Hosting: SaaS

Apps: Sales, Dashboards, Finance, Services, Email Marketing, Purchasing, Inventory, Human Resources, Expenses, and eLearning.


Rielec: Innovation and excelence in industrial automation

Established in 2012, Rielec has expertise in industrial automation and customized intra-logistics integrations within the supply chain, as well as in the development of intelligent hardware and software solutions with RFID technology (Clustag by Rielec). Thus, within the company's wide range of offerings, we find intra-logistics solutions for warehouses in various sectors, from fashion retail to e-commerce, as well as offerings for the food and pharmaceutical sectors, among many others.

We use Odoo Enterprise to maintain constant and efficient internal organization and communication.

First steps of Rielec: Implementing Odoo Community

From its creation until 2021, Rielec operated with a software to manage invoicing and the rest was controlled through paper or Excels. With the growth they had experienced during their early years, they reached a point where they required more organization, so they made the move to Odoo Community.

With the free version of Odoo they already noticed a considerable improvement, being able to elaborate budgets and keep a better organization of their expenses. Seeing the potential of the system, they further developed their version of Odoo Community by adding more modules, such as project management and timesheet control. The possibility of assigning tasks to employees and allowing them to manage their time independently and charge expenses with ticket scanning made them work more efficiently, saving time and tasks for the administrative department.

However, they soon realized that the Community version would not be enough for a company of their size and decided to make the leap to Odoo Enterprise in 2023. With this leap they were able to take over all accounting processes internally. In addition, this was the time to completely abandon paper, taking advantage of all the benefits of the Enterprise version, they added the modules of clocking, helpdesk for customer incident management, purchasing and inventory management, which until now did not have any kind of management system.

The need for a leap: Upgrade to Odoo Enterprise

The implementation of the Enterprise version did not end there; they also extended the system to other group companies such as Codopi, Crober and Rielec North America. They digitized all the information about their materials in the warehouses and also installed the eLearning module on which they relied to create online courses for both new employees and customers. 

We are not finished yet, there are still projects to be implemented with Odoo.

An implementation of this magnitude was not easy, there was a lot of data that was very difficult to manage, as well as to transfer to Odoo Enterprise, which meant an extensive dedication of time to data migration.

However, the benefits were so great that the resource commitment for the migration was well worth it. There was no other software that was a better fit than Odoo, either in terms of ease of use or price. Each implemented module brought them new advantages and the work with the consulting department and the recorded implementation sessions were a great addition to this change process.


Discovery and constant improvement with Odoo

The implementation of Odoo Enterprise meant an improvement in efficiency in every process of the company. The CRM module was the first to be implemented, with a step-by-step management from the moment a potential customer appears until the contract is closed. This arrangement, coupled with Odoo's filters and reports, allows them to organize and visualize data in an easier way than ever before.

Observing the advantages of having a traceability over the commercial process and sales, they discovered a new need, to have a much more exhaustive control of customer subscriptions. This module presented the biggest improvement for the company, thanks to this service they can ensure a fully customized support and assistance service, offering their customers assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. By offering a software and hardware service to other companies, this follow-up is fundamental for Rielec.

Today, they do not have duplicated information, they have centralized data that allows real-time analysis, thus facilitating and accelerating decision making and optimizing production. In addition, according to the needs of the accounting department, they have been able to customize the dashboards to obtain constant and automatically updated information to have a global view of the company's status.

Rielec has discovered how customizable Odoo is for any type of company, no matter which industry it belongs to.

Even with all the needs that were covered by Odoo, during the implementation, Rielec did not fail to find new improvements in their day-to-day business that they did not expect. The control of all IT equipment, the automation of the creation of tasks and projects following sales, the access of employees to planning where they can see the projects, equipment and hours they will be working on a month ahead and the reduction of the risk of human error, are some of the examples of these new dynamics that have been implemented at Rielec.

Implementing new management software, particularly of these characteristics, is always a challenge and for Rielec it was no different. However, from Rielec they recommend without a doubt the implementation of Odoo, for them it has been a key factor in their expansion, management and centralization of information.

Thoughts on Odoo

In just a few years of existence, Rielec has grown exponentially, always focusing on the development of its pioneering products in RFID solutions. The challenges at the organizational level have been extreme as they work on a daily basis with projects for international customers, so establishing time and direct contact is the basis of its success. For all of this to take place, the implementation of Odoo Enterprise has been a key event: a whole information system in real-time where they can see where each area of the company is in the development process. Everything centralized in the same software, which is the optimal need of any company.

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